‘A Body of Ghosts’ - (2019)
Galleri Mejan / The Royal Institute of Art
Master Show

When you enter the gallery space you are immediately faced with a large latex- and metal- wall, the wall supports indicates that you enter from the “backside”. Through the latex you can see the shadows of visitors inside the gallery space. The walls of the gallery are in a grey nuance.
On the right and on the left side of the latex- and metal- wall there are openings into the gallery space, the opening on the right side of the wall is somewhat broader. Through that opening you get to peek into the gallery space and you are immediately faced with your own reflection in a large mirror standing at the far end of the room. Behind the latex- and metal-wall a video work and sculptures are displayed.
The video work ‘Meril’ is projected from hanging projectors onto latex- and metal- frames, one standing and one hanging.
One of the sculptures ‘Monument 2012’ is standing by itself almost in the middle of the room. The other sculpture ‘5,6,7,8 inches, 12,14,16,18,20 centimeters’ is displayed in front of the mirror reflecting itself. The mirror wall is standing one meter from the actual gallery wall.
Behind the mirror the light is a little bit more intense than in the rest of the space. Passing behind the mirror wall you can see a series of small sketches displayed on the backside of the mirrow wall.

Latex- and metal- construction.
600  x 240  x 150 cm.

’Monument 2012’ - (2018).
Plaster, yesmonite
70 x 100 cm

‘Meril ’  - (2015 - ongoing)
2 - channel projection on latex and metal-frame.

Selected extract from the video work 'Meril' - (2019)

‘5, 6, 7, 8 inches, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 centimeters’ - (2019)
Yesmonite, plexiglass