/ Exclusive interview about the upcoming feature film project Trans Love in Variety

Interview about Trans Memoria in The Hollywood Reporter

Review of Trans Memoria in Cineuropa

Interview about Trans Memoria for Cineuropa

Trans Memoria will have its Ducth premiere at IDFA Festival, Amsterdam, in the section .Best of Fests.

“Best of Fests is a section for prize-winners, public favorites, and the year’s most eye-catching titles from the international festival circuit. The selection uses vastly diverse styles and genres to take us to the world’s most burning topic."

24.05.28 Victoria’s debut feature film Trans Memoria is selected to The Proxima Competition and will have its world premiere at The Karlovy Vary International Film Festival.

Review by ICS / International Cinephile Society.
“Honest and heartfelt, and never afraid to push boundaries, Trans Memoria is an exceptionally daring and insightful film and one of the year’s great discoveries.”

‘Trans Memoria’ will be part of the 2024 Reykjavík International Film Festival
in company with Lukas Moodyson's ‘Together 99’Jonas Åkerlund's ‘Duels’ and Sarah Gyllenstierna's ‘Hunters on a white field’

“Sweden is in focus this year at RIFF where we will screen a great variety of diverse new films with a broad scope.
We give respect to the Swedish cinema this year, and at the festival we present the cream of the latest and most noteworthy films from our friends in the east.”

‘Trans Memoria’ is selected for competition at Nordic Film Days Lübeck.

24.05.28 Variety writes about the selected films in The Proxima Competition at The Karlovy Vary International Film Festival 2024.

24.05.29 Screen Daily Outplay boards Victoria Verseau’s Karlovy Vary documentary Trans Memoria (exclusive)

“Diego Carazo-Migerel Fougères, head of international sales and acquisitions at Outplay Films said: “We are extremely proud to work on such a powerful documentary that shines an important spotlight on trans women, gender-affirming surgery, social construction and deconstruction, as well as crucial topics like death, love, and self-esteem. All of this is enveloped in beauty, poetry, and passion.”

24.05.28 Deadline
writes about the selected films in The Proxima Competition at The Karlovy Vary International Film Festival 2024.

'Trans Memoria'
is going to Lisbon, Portugal and Queer Lisboa.
It is part of the competition Queer Art Program.

“Exploring the boundaries of cinematic languages, genres and narratives, is once again the premise among the eight feature films in the Queer Art strand. Some of the ingredients for this year’s selection: the right to autonomy over the own bodies of trans people; an overnight of cruising addressing multiple sexualities; or a parody about the Joker, the famous DC Comics character. The award is sponsored by Variações.”


24.06.09 Scene #17: Victoria and Athena on the Stone Beach is screening at aCinema in Milwaukee Wisconsin, US.
It is screening in Program 4 Decidous Symphysis.

24.05.09 Victoria recieves a scholarship from Seth Linnés fond / The Royal Art Academy.

24.03.08 Victoria recieves a 2 year working grant from The Swedish Arts Grants Committee.

24.03.08 The performative project HOMECOMING recieves project support from The Swedish Arts Grants Committee -  the project is a collaboration togeher with artists Oscar Andersson, Josefina Björk and Victoria Verseau.

12.12.23 The collaborative work Shelf 37 - (2023) initiated by Johan Nahoj, exhibited at Konstkompaniet, Stockholm, including works by Victoria Verseau, Agnes Mohlin and Catalina Aguilera is now part of Statens Konstråd / Public Art Agency Sweden / 

Courtesy / Johan Österholm

24.11.23 - 13.01.24  A Ghost’s Gaze will be exhibited in the groupshow Four Films at gallery Billytown Haag Netherlands.
Exhibiting artists Verena Blok (NL/PL), Eugene Sundelius von Rosen (SE) Lisa Tan (US/SE) and Victoria Verseau (SE).

23.11.09 - 23.12.01 Groupshow ON HOLD initiated and curated by Johan Nahoj and Konstkompaniet, Stockholm.

23.11.07 Film screening of A Ghost’s Gaze at The Feminist Library London followed by Q&A.


Victoria’s debut feature film Trans Memoria (previous Meril) wins The Post Production Award at Cannes Docs 2023 / Cannes Film Festival
Jury citation: For tackling an intimate experience with a powerful, personal and deeply cinematic language.

Nordic filmmakers Victoria Verseau and Virpi Suutari grab awards at Cannes Docs 2023

Interview with Whitechapel Gallery London

03.10.23 - 19.11.23 ‘Scene # 17: Victoria and Athena on the stone beach’ and ‘Packing’ will be exhibited in the group exhibition ‘The Impersonal Verb And The Hidden Subject’, La Capella, Barcelona
Other exhibiting artists: Kajsa Dahlberg, Roxy Farhat, Nathalie Gabrielsson, Johanna Gustafsson Fürst, Saskia Holmkvist, Runo Lagomarsino, Iris Smeds, Ulrika Sparre, Victoria Verseau and Alva Willemark & Sybrig Dokter. curated by Marti Manen director at Indexfoundation Stockholm and David Armengol Artistic Director of La Capella Barcelona.
A collaboration with Index Stockholm .

21.04.23.  Victorias debut feature film Trans Memoria (previous Meril) is selected by The Swedish Film Institute to be presented as a work in progress at Cannes Film Festival 2023.

18.04.23 Victorias feature debut Trans Memoria (previous Meril) receives productions support from The Swedish Film Institute

23.09.20. Sculptural work 5,6,7,8,9 inches 12,14,16,18,20 centimeters exhibited in a groupshow at Hudiksvallsgatan 8. curated by Dimen Abdulla.

23.08.25. Film screening of A Ghost’s Gaze at Gothenburg Litterature House.

Screening of A Ghost’s Gaze followed by a conversation with Natalia Sielewicz, art historian and curator at Warsaw Museum of Modern Art, at IASPIS Konstnärsnämnden, Stockholm

Review of Hope is a dangerous thing for women like us at Fotogalleriet Oslo in Kunstavisen - 2022

22.11.16 Victorias largest solo exhibition Hope is a dangerous thing for women like us at  Fotogalleriet Oslo Norway

22.11.01 Victoria is granted IASPIS Residency in Stockholm

22.09.30 - 22.12.30 LUX & MATRIX Group Exhibition curated by Rosa Martinez ACVIC Centre d’Arts Contemporànies Vic (Barcelona) Catalonia
Other exhibiting artists: Louise Bourgeois | Niki de Saint Phalle |  Anonymous | Ana Álvarez-Errecalde | Austin Camilleri | Cuco Suárez | Eulàlia Valldosera | Grup de Defensa del Ter Isabel Banal | Josefa Tolrà | Juana Castro | Kyung-Jin Cho | | Núria Duran | Núria Pompeia | Pau Costa | Priscilla Monge | Santiago Sierra | Saskia Calderón | Sergio Caballero | Tania Berta Judith | Victoria Verseau

22.10.13 - 23.02.12 Group exhibition CORONASAMLINGEN - PUBLIC ART AGENCY SWEDEN | Skissernas Museum, Lund / Havremagasinet  Boden  Sweden

22.11.18 Screening of A Ghost’s Gaze, VEGASCENE, Oslo Norway

22.10.01  The work 5,6,7,8,9 inches is exhibited at NKNORDISKA KOMPANIET ,Stockholm
Curated by The Forumist

22.09.11  Victoria’s feature film Boundaries receives development funding from The Swedish Film Institute

22.06 Victoria’s debut feature film Trans Memoria (previous Meril) receives Eurimages co-production support

22.06.04 - 22.09.11 Groupexhibition CORONASAMLINGEN PUBLIC ART AGENCY SWEDEN nyförvärv 2021 
Havremagasinet Boden Sweden

Victoria is granted 1 years working grant by The Swedish Arts Grants Committee

Victoria is granted Stockholm Culture Scholarship

The project BOUNDARIES granted project support from The Swedish Arts Grants Committee

22.09.11 Collaboration with musician I.B. Sundström and an Oil Barrel Orchestra
The Eric Ericsson Hall  Stockholm // Uppsala Art Museum 22.03.11  


The video work Approaching a Ghost is selected to be the Swedish contribution in Artists' Film International 2021.

Upcoming screenings:
Marfa, Texas USA | Belgrade Culture Centre, Serbia | Bonniers Konsthall, Stockholm | Center for Contemporary Art, Afghanistan (CCAA) | Contemporary Art Center (CAC), Vilnius | Crawford Art Gallery, Cork Ireland | Friends of IZIKO South African National Gallery, Cape Town South Africa | Foundation Proa, Buenos Aires Argentina | GAMeC, Bergamo Italy | Hammer Museum, Los Angeles USA | Istanbul Modern, Turkey | KWM artcenter, Beijing China | MMAG Foundation, Amman Jordan | Museum of Modern Art Warsaw, Polan | NBK, Berlin Germany | Para Site, Hong Kong | Project 88, Mumbai India | Tromsö Kunstforening,  Norway | Whitechapel Gallery, London UK

22.09.11 The collaborative work The World Is Saved with artist and musician I.B. Sundström and The Oil Barrel Orchestra will be performed at The Eric Ericsson Hall  Stockholm

Interview by Saskia Neuman in The Forumist

Interview by Ashik Zaman for C-print journal

2021 //

Soloshow at Bonniers Konsthall, Stockholm, 8 Dec 2021 - 16 Jan 2022
Approaching a Ghost, AFI Artists Film International

Soloshow at Uppsala Konstmuseum, 7 Oct - 21 Nov 2021
Engender my past

Group show at Sörmlands Museum, Nov 2021- Nov 2022

Nordisk Panorama Pitch, Swedish Film Institute Wildcard, Meril feature film.

Newly produced art work funded by Gislaved Konsthall for the exhibition ‘All Flesh is Hay’, curated by Nils Svensk 23 June - 19 Sept 2021

‘Future Watch - 10 Konstnärer i Tiden’ Kulturhuset, Stockholm, curated by C-print 16 April - August 19:th 2021

Approaching a Ghost exhibited in Whitechapel Gallery, London, UK and Fundaciòn PROA, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Approaching a Ghost
exhibited in GAMeC, Bergamo Italy

Exhibiting the sculpture Dissolved Monument at Galleri Arnstedt,
April 1st - April 25 th

Dagend Nyheter
/Bo Madestrand

“ I “Future Watch” på Kulturhuset deltar tio unga, relativt okända konstnärer. Det är en rofylld utställning med starka skulpturer, skriver Bo Madestrand.

..Utställningens starkaste verk är Victoria Verseaus rumsinstallation om en vän som tar sitt liv efter en könskonfirmerande operation i Thailand.
Det är ett stramt gestaltat sorgearbete, med spöklika, vita skulpturer och en moodboard som skissar upp en planerad film om den bortgångna vännen.

Sammantaget är det en stillsam och intim utställning, samtidigt som den visar skulpturens styrka som konstnärligt uttrycksmedel. “

Sydsvenskan Kultur
/ Thomas Millroth

“Fina förvandlingsnummer när Arnstedt bjuder in ungt
Victoria Verseaus konst som utgår från hennes könskorrigeringen är tydligast men fler söker ordning via upplösning i samlingsutställningen, skriver Thomas Millroth.

Arnstedt öppnar sin säsong med en samlingsutställning. Och det är skönt att slippa en förklarande rubrik. Men vad berättar då de sex unga konstnärerna från Malmö och Stockholm?
Olle Norås och Olof Inger målar känslor av vila och behag. Norås bygger täta färgformer i en egenuppfunnen dekorativ natur. Medan Ingers slingrande linjer är spår av handens rörelser, minnen av meditationer med koncentration på ögonblicket.
Men det behagliga lugnet bryts av kall blå neon i nästa rum. Victoria Verseaus ljusskulpturer tecknar konturer av kroppsdelar och persedlar hon lämnat bakom sig efter sin genomgripande könskorrigering. Det finns alltså en stark berättelse som grund. Men autenticiteten är inte det viktiga för upplevelsen. Verseaus har nämligen formulerat det känslomässiga budskapet i den täta installationen med en sådan skärpa att det gräver sig djupt in i mig. Och ett stänk humor hjälper till, ett drama är inte ett drama utan skrattspegel. En sådan hänger i rummets kortsida som metafor för förvandlingen. På långt håll förvrängs ens gestalt för att bli korrektare när avståndet krymper. Men hur vet jag att det är den riktiga bilden? En molande osäkerhet löser upp gränsen mellan betraktaren och konstnären.
Efter känslostormen möter ett annat sätt att hantera kaos i nästa sal.”


Spring: Exhibiting the sculpture Dissolved Monument at Galleri Arnstedt, April 1st - April 25 th

2020 - 08 - 29 | ‘Master Show The Royal Institute of Art’
The Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Stockholm Sweden
29 Augc -  27 Sep 2020.

2020 - 09 - 01 | Victoria Verseau receives Hötorgets stipendie ur Bertil Schultzes minnesfond

“ Vår motivering lyder som följer:
Hötorgets stipendie ur Bertil Schultzes minnesfond går till Victoria Verseau.

Berättelser om två personer. Den ena med flödande parallella bilder
och texter som sammantaget ger oss en inblick i den komplexitet som en
människa rymmer. Den andra genom en enda händelse som totalt kan
förändra ens liv. Två olika språk, det ena poetiskt- det andra
avskalat, men båda ger oss en inblick i vad som är det väsentliga hos
dessa två personer. “

2020 - 06 - 05 | Victoria Verseau receives Stig Hedbergs Scholarship for A Sculptor Art Student 

2020 - 05 - 28 | Victoria Verseau receives Uppsala Muncipality Scholarship for A Newly Examined Artist

2020 - 05 - 07 | Victoria Verseau receives The Brucebo Art Recidensy Scholarship 2021, Gotland Sweden

2020 - 05 - 07 | ‘Meril’  in the Hot Docs Pitch, Toronto Canada

2020 - 05 - 05 | Victoria Verseau receives  Längmanska Culture Fund

2020 - 03 - 31 | ‘Meril’ - receives a second round of development funding from The Swedish Filminstitute

2020 - 03 - 20 | ‘Meril’ - receives development funding from Filmbasen

2020 - 01 -14 | ‘Pressure’ 
Group Exhibition, Skaftefell Center for Visual Arts, Seyðisfjörður Iceland

2019 - 06 -15 | ‘Meril’ - Admitted to Mediterranean Film Institute Script 2 Film Workshop
For two weeks in the Greek island of Nisyros and one week on the island of Rhodos ‘Meril’ was developed
at the MFI Film 2 Script Workshop

2019 - 05 -12 | ‘Meril’ - Winner at Vision Du Reel Industry Pitch

Le MFI Script 2 Film Workshops Project Development Award va à MERIL, de Victoria Verseau | Sweden 
