Victoria Verseau / verseauvictoria@gmail.com
Victoria Verseau (b. 1988) is a Swedish artist and filmmaker. In her works she explores themes such as body, memory, identity and social structures. The works are often based on her personal experiences of being trans and a new woman. Based on her own story, she examines larger existential questions; who we are, how we exist and who we aspire to be.
There are references to poetry, spirituality and philosophy in the artist- ry. Through her art, she seeks to capture, preserve, and recreate the ephemeral — memories that have shaped identity. The constant movement of transition high- lights the invisible—layers of time and how energies from past events transmit into physical objects and places.
There is often a contrast and ambivalence in the works, shifting between the serious and the comical, the intangible and the tangible, the numbing, demystified everyday and the ensouled world, and the surreal ambiance of dreams. She seeks to highlight untold stories on the fringes of society, shaped by oppressive social structures. Her works deals with in-betweenness, loneliness, but also community, liberation, and insight. Through her works she explores ideas of transition and remembrance, as well as the ambivalence of telling personal stories while trying to maintain privacy.
Victoria has a broad practice that includes sculpture, large-scale installa- tions, performance, video works, feature and short films, fiction, and documentary. She is based in Stockholm where she earned a master’s degree at the Royal Insti- tute of Art in 2020.
She has recently presented solo exhibitions at Fotogalleriet Oslo ‘Hope is a dangerous thing for women like us’(2023), Bonniers Konsthall, Stockholm, ’Approaching a Ghost’(2022), and Uppsala Konstmuseum, ‘Engender my past’(2021). In the summer of 2024 Victorias debut feature film ‘Trans Memoria’ premiered at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival and was featured in outlets such as The Hollywood Reporter and Variety. In 2023, she was invited to present a work- in-progress version at the Cannes Film Festival, where she won an award. Both the feature film and the exhibitions are part of the overarching project ‘A Body of Ghosts,’ which centers on Victoria’s transition from boy to woman and the loss of her close friend Meril, who decided to end her life three years after the gen- der-affirming surgery that Victoria and Meril had in Thailand at the same time.
In 2021, Victorias video work ‘Approaching a Ghost’ was selected by Bonniers Konsthall as the Swedish entry for Artists’ Film International and was screened at several art institutions worldwide, including Whitechapel Gallery London, Fundación Proa Buenos Aires, Hammer Museum Los Angeles, KWM Art Center Beijing, NBK Berlin, Para Site Hong Kong, Project 88 Mumbai, Crawford Art Gallery Ireland, GAMeC Bergamo, and Istanbul Modern. The same year the video work ‘A Ghost’s Gaze’ and the sculptural work ‘5, 6, 7, 8, 9 inches 12, 14, 16, 18, 20’ centimeters’ were acquired in 2022 by the Public Art Agency Sweden and the Uppsala Art Museum.
In 2017, she was the first trans person to receive the ‘Anna Award’ for her work in film, a grant awarded by Women in Film & Television and UN Women Sweden.
EDUCATION 2017 - 2020 MFA | The Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm 2014 - 2016 BA Fine Art | The Royal Institute of Art, Stockhol
2013 Exchange | Interarchitecture | Rietveldt Academie, Amsterdam 2010 - 2013 BA Design | (HDK) School of Design and Crafts, Gothenburg
2016 - 2017 Directing for Film | Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Art / Filmbasen 2009 - 2010 Spatial Design | KV Art School, Gothenburg
SOLO EXHIBITIONS 2022 - 2023 | Hope is a dangerous thing for women like us, Fotogalleriet Oslo, Norway.
2021 - 2022 | Approaching a Ghost | Bonniers Konsthall, Stockholm, Sweden.
2021 | Engender my past | Uppsala Art Museum, Sweden.
2019 | A Body of Ghosts | Galleri Mejan, Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm, Sweden.
2017 | Through the Lookinglass | Hangmen Projects, Stockholm, Sweden.
2015 | Boundaries pt.2 | Galleri Mejan, Stockholm, Sweden.
2015 | Boundaries pt.1 | The Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm, Sweden
RECENT AND COMING PREMIERES / SCREENINGS Trans Memoria, feature film, 2024, (previous title Meril), 1h 12 min. Director, scriptwriter, editor, costume, set design, actor.
(Upcoming)SXSW South by Southwest, Austin Texas, US.
Gothenburg International Film Festival, Sweden, Competition.
Winner of ‘The Dragon Award’ for Best Nordic Documentary 2025. https://pressroom.filminstitutet.se/posts/pressreleases/svenska-vinster-pa-goteborg-film-festival
(Upcoming) BFI: Flare LGBTQI+ Film Festival, London, UK.
(Upcoming) Tempo Documentary Film Festival, Sweden, Competition. Festival Premiers Plans d’Angers, France, Competition.
Festival de cinéma Travelling Rennes, France.
Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, Proxima Competition, Czech Republic, (World Premiere) kviff.com/en/programme/film/69/42561-trans-memoria IDFA International Documentary Film Festival in Amsterdam, Best of fest, Netherlands.
Kasseler Doc Fest, Germany, Competition.
Winner of ‘The Golden Key’ for best feature documentary. Aux Écrans du RÉEL Festival de Films Documentaires,Competition. Winner of The Grand Jury Prize.
Belfort Entrevues Film Festival, Belfort France, Competition. Winner of the ‘One + One Award’ for best sound design + Special Mention.
Queer Lisboa - International Queer Film Festival, Portugal, Competition.
Special Mention. Helsinki International Film Festival – Love & Anarchy. Reykjavík International Film Festival, Iceland. Nordic Film Days Lübeck, Germany, Competition. Leeds International Filmfestival, UK, Competition. Tromsø International Film Festival, Norway. Chéries-Chéris Paris Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, France. Cork International Film Festival, Ireland. The 58th Hof International Film Festival, Germany, Competition
2023 Cannes Film Festival, Cannes Docs / Marche du Film, France.
(previous title Meril) - work in progress / feature film.
Winner of ‘The Hiventy Postproduction Prize.
24.11.23 - 13.01.24 ‘A Ghost’s Gaze’ exhibited in the groupshow ‘Four Films’ at gallery Billytown Haag Netherlands.
Exhibiting artists Verena Blok (NL/PL), Eugene Sundelius von Rosen (SE) Lisa Tan (US/SE) and Victoria Verseau (SE).
03.10.23 - 19.11.23 ‘The Impersonal Verb And The Hidden Subject’, La Capella, Barcelona / Index Foundation Stockholm
with amongst others Roxy Farhat, Johanna Gustafsson Fürst, Runo Lagomarsino and Iris Smeds.
2022 | LUX & MATRIX, Group Exhibition with amongst others Louise Bourgeois and Niki de Saint Phalle curated by Rosa Martinez,
ACVIC Centre d’Arts Contemporànies, Vic (Barcelona) Catalonia, 0.09 - 30.12.2022
The video work ‘Approaching a Ghost’ selected to be the Swedish contribution in Artists' Film International 2021.
Whitechapel Gallery, London UK | Ballroom Marfa, Texas USA | Belgrade Culture Centre, Serbia | Bonniers Konsthall, Stockholm | Center for Contemporary Art, Afghanistan (CCAA) | Contemporary Art Center (CAC), Vilnius | Crawford Art Gallery, Cork Ireland | Friends of IZIKO South African National Gallery, Cape Town South Africa | Foundation Proa, Buenos Aires Argentina | GAMeC, Bergamo Italy | Hammer Museum, Los Angeles USA | Istanbul Modern, Turkey | KWM artcenter, Beijing China | MMAG Foundation, Amman Jordan | Museum of Modern Art Warsaw, Polan | NBK, Berlin Germany | Para Site, Hong Kong | Project 88, Mumbai India | Tromsö Kunstforening, Norway
2022 | CORONASAMLINGEN - PUBLIC ART AGENCY SWEDEN | Skissernas Museum, Lund / Havremagasinet Boden Sweden https://skissernasmuseum.se/utstallningar/coronasamlingen/
2022 | NK STAGE, The work ‘5,6,7,8,9 inches and Specter’ NK / NORDISKA KOMPANIET, Stockholm
2021 | FUTURE WATCH -10 ARTISTS OF OUR TIME | Kulturhuset Stadsteatern Stockholm House of Culture & City TheatreStockholm Sweden.https://victoriaverseau.com/Foreign-Body
2021 | WHAT IS LOVE | Sörmlands Museum Sweden
2021 | ALL FLESH IS HAY | Gislaved Konsthall Sweden
2021 | THE EASTER EXHIBITION | Galleri Arnstedt Östra Karup Sweden
2020 | THE GRADUATION SHOW ROYAL INSTITUTE OF ART | Royal Academie of Art Stockholm Sweden
2018 | 109 IMAGES OF ME | Galleri Fafa Helsinki Finland
2018 | DISLOCATED IMAGE | Rundgång
The Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm Sweden
2017 | BOUNDARIES PT.3 | Exhibition Laboratory Helsinki Finland
2016 | A CONSTRUCTION OF LONELINESS | Kungl. Kandidatutställningen
Mindepartentet Art and PhotographyStockholm Sweden
2016 | ROOFTOP THE INFLATABLE MATTRESS | On the floor while in the ceiling
Curated by Rado Ištok and Ili Kiefer, Galleri Mejan Stockholm Sweden
2015 | GAME | In The Computer
Österängens KonsthallJönköping Sweden
2015 | 1ST YEARS AT MEJAN | The Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm Sweden
2014 | NORDISK SALONG | Dunkers Kulturhus, Helsingborg Sweden
MERIL | 72 + | hybrid | post production
Produced by Malin Hüber | HER-film
BOUNDARIES | 72 + | hybrid | in development
Produced by Mónica Hernández Rejón | Pråmfilm
2016 | EXERCISE ONE | 14 min | fiction
Produced by Doppelganger Production
2015 | THE SESSION | 14 min | fiction
2014 | TO BE UNCLEAR | 20 min | fiction
‘Meril’ presented as a work in progress at Cannes Film Festival 2023.
24.11.23 - 13.01.24 Screening of ‘A Ghost’s Gaze’ in the groupshow ‘Four Films’ at gallery Billytown Haag Netherlands.
Exhibiting artists Verena Blok (NL/PL), Eugene Sundelius von Rosen (SE) and Lisa Tan (US/SE) Victoria Verseau (SE).
23.11.07 Film screening of ‘A Ghost’s Gaze’ at The Feminist Library London followed by Q&A.
23.09.02 Film screening of ‘A Ghost’s Gaze’ at Litterature House Gothenburg, curated by Lisa Rosendahl - Associate Professor of Exhibition Studies at KHIO/The Art Academy, arranged by Göteborg Konst.
The video work ‘Approaching a Ghost’ was selected to be the Swedish contribution in Artists' Film International 2021.
Whitechapel Gallery, London UK | Ballroom Marfa, Texas USA | Belgrade Culture Centre, Serbia | Bonniers Konsthall, Stockholm | Center for Contemporary Art, Afghanistan (CCAA) | Contemporary Art Center (CAC), Vilnius | Crawford Art Gallery, Cork Ireland | Friends of IZIKO South African National Gallery, Cape Town South Africa | Foundation Proa, Buenos Aires Argentina | GAMeC, Bergamo Italy | Hammer Museum, Los Angeles USA | Istanbul Modern, Turkey | KWM artcenter, Beijing China | MMAG Foundation, Amman Jordan | Museum of Modern Art Warsaw, Polan | NBK, Berlin Germany | Para Site, Hong Kong | Project 88, Mumbai India | Tromsö Kunstforening, Norway
‘Exercise One’ -shortfilm fiction 14 min
2017 | Outfest LA, Los Angeles US (World Premiere)
2019 | Arktisen Upeeta Nordic Filmfestival, Finland
2018 | Södertälje Konsthall Queer Move, Sweden
2018 | Czech National Television, Czech Republic
2017 | Kortfilmsdagen Folkets Bio,
Stockholm, Malmö, Gothenburg, Umeå, Kiruna
2017 | Encounters Film and Animation Festival, Bristol UK
2017 | Mezipatra Queer Film Festival, Prague, Czech Republic
2017 | Lovers Filmfestival, Torino Italy
2017 | Gothenburg International Film Festival, Sweden
2017 | Stockmotion Film Festival, Stockholm Sweden
2017 | Svensk Kortfilm c/o Folkets Bio,
Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö, Sweden
THE SESSION -shortfilm fiction 14 min
2015 | Stockmotion Film Festival, Stockholm, Sweden
TO BE UNCLEAR - shortfilm fiction 16 min
2014 | Clermont Ferrand International Short Film Festival Market, France
2025 | The Dragon Award for Best Nordic Documentary at Gothenburg Film Festival 2025 for the feature Trans Memoria.
2024 | 2 year working grant from The Swedish Arts Grants Committee.
2024 | The Golden Key, “an award for an outstanding documentary work of a young director” Kassel Documemntary Film Festival for the feature Trans Memoria.
2024 | The Grand Jury Prize, Aux Écrans du RÉEL Festival de Films Documentaires for the feature Trans Memoria.
2024 | One + One Award for best sound design and Special Mention, Belfort Entrevues Film Festival for the feature Trans Memoria.
2024 | Project support from The Swedish Arts Grants Committee for the performative project HOMECOMING
2024 | Special Mention, Queer Lisboa for the feature Trans Memoria.
2023 | The Post Production Award at Cannes Docs 2023 for the feature film Meril / Trans Memoria / Cannes Film Festival
2023 | The Swedish Film Institute production funding for Meril
2022 | IASPIS - The International Program for Art The Swedish Arts Grants Committee
2020 | The Swedish Film Institute development funding for Boundaries
2022 | Co-production support from Eur Images
2022 | 1 year working grant from The Swedish Arts Grants Committee
2022 | Project support from The Swedish Arts Grants Committee for the project Boundaries
2022 | Helge Ax:son Johnsons Foundation
2021 | Gotlands Filmfond, production support for the feature film Trans Memoria (Meril).
2021 | The Brucebo Art Recidensy Scholarship
2020 | Uppsala Muncipality Scholarship for a Newly Examined Artis
2020 | Hötorgets stipendie ur Bertil Schultzes minnesfond
2020 | Stig Hedbergs Scholarship for a Sculptor Art Student
2020 | Uppsala Muncipality Scholarship for A Newly Examined Artist
2020 | Längmanska Culturefund
2020 | The Swedish Film Institute second round of development funding for Meril
2020 | Filmbasen Development funding for Meril
2019 | Längmanska Culturefund
2019 | AA-Stiftelsen
2019 | Helge Ax:son Johnsons Foundation
2018 | Kungliga Konstakademien S Rydbergs Stipendium
2018 | The Swedish Film Institute, development funding for Meril
2018 | Helge Ax:son Johnsons Foundation
2017 | THE ANNA PRIZE WIFT Women in Television and Film and UN Women Sweden
2017 | STHLM-debut Round 6
2016 | Student Scholarship Royal Instiute of Art for the project Boundaries
2016 | Sandrew Stiftelses Education Scholarship
2016 | Student Scholarship Royal Instiute of Art for the project Meril
2016 | AAA-Stiftelsens Education Scholarship
2016 | The Swedish Film Institute Short Film Production Support for Excerise One
2016 | Film i Väst Production Short Film Supportfor Excerise One
2016 | Film Basen Short Film Support for Excerise One
2023 | IASPIS - The International Program for ArtThe Swedish Arts Grants Committee
2021 | Pendès Marìtim Residency Barcelona Spain
2021 | Brucebo Artist Residency Gotland Sweden
2020 | Skaftfell Seydisfjordur Iceland
2018 | PAF - Performing Arts Forum France
2017 | PAF - Performing Arts Forum France
2023 | The World is Saved a collaboration with artist and musician I.B. Sundström, Lumen Projects Eric Ericsson Hallen, Stockholm
2022 | The World is Saved a collaboration with artist and musician I.B. Sundström, Uppsala Konstmuseum, Sweden
2022 | Stayin’ Alive a collaboration with artist and musician I.B. Sundström, Luftslottet Götene Sweden
2022 | Foreign Body (written and directed by Victoria Verseau) actors Oscar Andersson Victoria Verseau Kulturhuset Stadsteatern Stockholm, Culture House Stockholm Sweden
2021 | Foreign Body Uppsala Konstmuseum Sweden
2024 | External Critic, The Royal Institute of Art Stockholm, the master exhibition of Lucia Laura
2020 | Guest Teatcher, Kävesta Folkhögskola Konstlinjen, Örebro Sweden